Chapter e-mail lists
USOA Chapter e-mail lists have been set up as “restricted” lists. That means that only group members can post and access the lists. If you are not a group member and try to send a message to the list, the email will most likely bounce back to you. If you are a USOA member and did not select a specialty chapter(s) on your membership application form but would like to join a chapter now, please contact the USOA Business office.
You have the ability to manage your own membership on the list. There are four ways to read a group–on the group web page, in individual emails, in digests and in abridged emails. E-mail can be sent in text or HTML formats, with photos and attachments. (Note: attachments that have not been screened by an updated virus protection program should not be opened.)
In order to change the preference of how you read the e-mails, you need to log into Google Groups. (If you have never logged into Google Groups, you will need to register and create a password first.) The Google Groups website is
Chapter | Group e-mail address |
Children & Families | |
Education | |
Federal Government | |
Health and Wellness | |
Local Government | |
Public Safety | |
We also ask that if you are going to be away for an extended period of time, and you plan to use an “out of office” message on your email, please change your preference to “no email” to avoid any looping of an “out of office” message. When you return, you can change your preference again and can read any archived messages that were posted while you were away.
Finally, you can also unsubscribe yourself from the list at anytime you wish to. If you are uncomfortable or unfamiliar with changing your preferences, please feel free to contact the USOA Business office.
We hope that you will find this new service helpful!